Tuesday 12 January 2016

Weekly Update: January 3 to 8

Weekly word count: 4100

Sorry to be a day late but I was focused on getting the line edits for Metamorphosis in.  They are in, which means there is the second pass for line edits and the final proofread and then the text is ready to go.  I'm getting very excited about finally being able to share this book with everyone.  (I figure it's a good sign if I'm still excited at this phase of things.)

I also was spending a lot of time thinking about my blogging for the next year and I'd like to have some more structure, aside from the one weekly update and one other post per week.  I was reading Samantha Ellis's How to Be A Heroine which is about how the heroines of her youth influenced and taught her and I thought I'd like to try something similar.

Once a month, I'll do a post about a heroine from books, movies and TV series which influenced me.  Since I'm planning to start this week, it'll be the second Thursday in each month.

I'd also like to do a craft post at least once per month on techniques for plotting, developing characters or a focus on the business of publishing.  That will be the last Thursday of each month.

It's going to be a busy rest of the month with getting Metamorphosis ready and starting to roll forward on Inquisition.  It feels really good to be back composing in front of the keyboard.

I'm pleased with how my workshop at ORWA went.  People were interested and asked good questions.  And we got a great turnout for the January workshop.  Next month is a look at the legal issues which authors face.  Should be interesting!

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