Monday 8 February 2016

Weekly Update: January 31st to February 6

Weekly update: 1200 words

I had to wave a flag of surrender this week as my family and I got hit by a nasty bug.  It left my brain more suited to rote repetition than creative expression.

I did still manage some achievements.  I got my registration in for the annual Romance Writers of America conference.  It's overwhelming to contemplate.  I'm a quiet, sit at home kind of gal for the most part and now I've signed up for a major professional conference with over 2000 attendees.  I'm determined not to be a mouse-in-the-corner and take full advantage to learn and have fun.

I also learned that RWA accepted my workshop proposal, which definitely helps financially, since it includes a discount on my conference registration fee.  And I've got some roommates lined up to help with the hotel bill.

I also got in touch with Pub Craft and we're going to get started on a promotional campaign.  And I got the print proof in to Createspace, despite some frustrating challenges with their digital reviewer.

I also finally began training my assistant for my day job, which should help with a workload which has been steadily creeping past my usual hours. 

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