Monday 5 September 2016

Weekly Update: August 28 to September 3

Weekly word count: 2100

After a week of hard work, Inquisition is ready for the editors and the two short stories are ready to submit to the Behind the Mask anthology.  Not a lot of new writing, but I still feel a sense of achievement.

I should be hearing about the results of the I Heart Indie contest soon, which should be fun.  I even got my official badge to use.
I've been getting ready for Can-Con.  I'll be in the vendor room on Friday from 5 to 7, Saturday from 10 to 5 (with a brief exception) and Sunday from 10 and 4 with chocolate and free swag to give away.  And books to sell, for those who are interested in such things.

I'll also be doing several workshops:

Friday at 9: Non-verbal body language and emotional expression.  Find new ways to express your characters' emotions.

Saturday at 1: a reading from Metamorphosis.  I'm terrified of public speaking so come and watch me sweat.  I've been practicing so I won't stumble over my own tongue.

Saturday at 8pm: Is this the Golden Age of Superhero TV?  Don't have time to watch all the awesome offerings from DC and Marvel?  Don't worry, I've done it all for you and I'll share all the goodies.  Warning: there will be spoilers.

Saturday at 9pm: The Do's and Don'ts of Writing Erotica.  I may not be an erotica writer but I am an erotica reader and I'll be sharing my thoughts for those looking to get into this lucrative genre.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there.

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